Tuesday 5 November 2013

Aston Hill 27/10/2013

Hi there,

Sorry for not making any posts for so long, had no time to get out, but here is some footage of me getting to Aston Hill on the 27th. Check it out.



Wednesday 2 October 2013

Friday 20 September 2013

Aston Hill

Hi there,

Sorry about no recent post moved back to university now so not been upto much extreme sports. Here is a short video of me at Aston Hill a few weeks back wen the double header was on. Unfortunately I was unable to film race footage from my race runs because it was a helmet cam. Anyways here it is, enjoy.

Sorry about no music, youtube denied it.



Tuesday 3 September 2013

Lincoln Trailblazerz

Hi there,

This is just a little montage of my time at Market Rasen Trailblazerz. Had a real good day and really great place lots of trails going off different lines. For all riders of all experiences with many trails to try. Some good northshore and jump lines, overall good day out.



Friday 30 August 2013

MXGP Festival

Hi there,

What can I say, great weekend full of some great racing. Although Tommy wasnt able to win he put in some great races in MX1.In MX2 Jake Nichols was on a charge and managed 3rd overall, Max Anstie actually finished a qualifier at Matterley in 6th but then had bad starts in the races which mean low finishes for him, Mel Pocock show some great speed and finished the sunday well with two solid races.
In the EMX 85 Conrad Mewse came out and checked out both moto's showing why he is 85cc world champion. In the EMX250 Steven Clarke came home in second, Brits also finished well in the EMX125 with Michael Eccles and in the EMX150 Albie Wilkie bought it home in first. Over the week the Brits did well, bring a few wins home to make the fans happy. Cannot wait for next year.



Friday 23 August 2013

Off to the MXGP Festival

Hi there,

Just to let you know I'm of to the MXGP Festival at Matterley Basin this weekend. This is a great fixture and full of lots of talent, showcasing both the the premiere classes of the MX1 and MX2 but also including the EMX250, EMX150, EMX125, EMX85, EMX65, VMX, WMX and MX3. This is an action packed weekend full of racing, in my opinion at one of the best tracks on the calendar. Last year the Brits came out in storm, showing the fans some great racing. I sure hope there is as many British winners this year. Here is some words from Tommy Searle, the man who had every British fan on their feet cheering him on last year.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Stainburn Trials 22/07/2013

Hi there,

This is a movie of a few clips thrown together from my time at Stainburn trails.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Carlton Bank 23.07.2013

Hi there,

Here is a few clips thrown together of my time at Carlton bank. Check it out.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Silton Woods 22/07/2013

Hi there,

Here is a montage of some footage I got from Silton woods.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Cannock Chase Mini Montage 13/07/3013

Hi there,

This is a few clips thrown together from my time at cannock on saturday. Its nots so great as didn't get a lot of footage as it was so hot, only got a few runs in. Check it out.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Internship and Expericences

Hi there,

Thought I would just give you a little insight into what I am doing at the moment. At the start of the summer I started this internship though university, the position is a research assistant. So far we have done quite a bit. We are taking a look at VO2, VCO2, RER, MIP's, MEP's temperature, lactate, heart rate and rate of perceived exhaustion ,when a subject runs a 2.4km time trial with 25kg on their back. We are seeing how different specific respiratory warm ups affect the time trial. My roll has included collecting data and inputting data as well as taking part in the time trail. I think i did quite well improving my times with every run, my best time has been 11.19 minuets to complete the 2.4km. As well as this I have also had a chance to go to St Georges Park the other day to help out with some pre season testing for a league two football team. This was a great opportunity and gave me the opportunity to work with professional athletes in a top spec facility, although only doing basics of testing power speed agility and fitness, it was still a great experience. Apart form working and my internship is the only other thing I am doing at the moment as I find I have no full days of to do anything else.


Jacob Mann

Wednesday 3 July 2013

GoPro’s WiFi Remote Vs GoPro’s Phone App

Hi there,

Here is my own way of reviewing these two product that can be used as aids for your GoPro Hero 3.

The Wi-Fi remote is a simple little remote that allows you to control your GoPro it has the same buttons, a play and on button, which are used just the same as the GoPro itself. It also has a screen of the same size of the GoPro too. All it is, is an extension to the controls of your GoPro it has a reasonable range on the wifi so you don’t have to be holding the GoPro you could have it on a tripod a few metres away. It is best to be used when biking as you can attach it to your handlebars and it makes using the camera easier instead of trying to fiddle with the buttons on top of your head. It is a nice bit of kit but again like the GoPro itself the battery life is not that great.

 The GoPro phone App is a great little app for your GoPro as it has all the functional controls of your GoPro camera and more. It comes with a preview screen which means you are able to see what you are filming, which always comes in handy. But when using the preview it does have a slight lag on it of around 5 seconds. Apart from that the GoPro app is a great addition to your GoPro kit.

Putting the two together, I find that the GoPro app is best unless you have the remote strapped to your wrist or handlebars then the remote can be more useful. Both are great peaces of kit.


Jacob Mann

Friday 28 June 2013

GoPro Review

Hi there,

I have only been using the GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition since Easter. It has been great using it, having had more use out of it than I thought that I would. I want to take it everywhere with me, but this is a little inconvenient. So far I have used it for skiing, mountain biking and a few still shots. 

When film it is relatively easy to use but only once it is set up right. If I had spent more time looking at how it works before using it. I would have maybe got more use out of it the first time I used it when I went skiing, as I only had it set up right on the last day. Also the battery life is a bit of a buzz kill when spending the whole day out skiing, it would run out in the morning. So a bit of advice would be to only have it turned on when recording to save the battery. I did find it some what hard to tell if it was on and recording, as the bleeping sounds were not as easily heard with a hat and helmet on, but once you know what the bleeps mean then you get the hang of it. To make sure I always ask someone just to make sure as I don’t trusty my self to get it right. 

The use of the wifi accessories work well, regarding the wifi remote and the smart phone app, these will have their own comparison review soon. With the GoPro having a wide angle lense it does mean that when filming someone you have to get very close to them, to get a good view, as if you are only 5 meters away it looks like you are a lot more.

When using the GoPro for stills it is not so good as it doesn’t focus very well when close up to objects like a flower, as you have to be close to get the detail with the wide angle. This may just be me not setting it up right. When using the burst mode it does lag a little to when it starts taking the photos by a few seconds. 

Overall it is a great action sports camera, just a bit annoying about the battery life. It keeps me thinking of new ways to film things and look at different types of mount to try to improve the shots. 


Jacob Mann

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Hi there,

This is a bit of a follow on of my last post but I think it is a great examlpe again of athletes pushing there boundaries and taking there riding to the next level. It is also defiantly worth a mention. This film of Danny MacAskill is an eye opener to what he is capable of on a bike and what he imagines in his head as challenging. Check it out. For more information on the film go to Redbulls website.


Jacob Mann

Monday 17 June 2013

Athletes progressing their sports

Hi there,

I was just catching up on the recent youtube videos the other day and stubble across this video called Drew Bezanson vs Joyride 150. This is a great example of how people push the sport they compete in, as through the video we see Drew just looking at a bike park seeing new lines, the majority of us would not even see as a possibility of a line choice. These types of video are great and it really shows how sports are progressed by the pioneers who are just at another level. Granted there are lots of other great BMX riders that have great videos of them pushing the boundaries too, they are just talented as Drew. This video and many others like it are curtsy of Red Bull, who I think are taking extreme sports to the next level with their athletes, with top training camps and helping athletes with doing the things they dream of. Which is great for the sports they are supporting. The progression of energy drinks in sport has been a mostly positive impact with the support they bring with big money and names to help athletes reach that next level. With regard to the actual drinks themselves been the only real down side to the companies, as they are not so good for people and in high consumption can have a detrimental effect. These big companies provide sports teams and individuals with the support that is greatly needed in the current economic climate, without some of them, some athletes would not be able to progress as fast or as far.


Jacob Mann

Thursday 6 June 2013

New 661 Riot Shin Guards 2013

Hi there,

With protection high up on the list of every mountain bikers mind, shin pads may be something to try out. With not so many people to keen on them I cannot see why. I often have my feet slip of my pedals and get a painful shock, when my pedals dig straight into my shins. But you don't have to suffer, invest in a pair of shin guards, they are worth the money. Here is a new pair of shin guards I have just purchased the New 661 Riot Shin Guards 2013,  these are my thoughts on them. These are a great buy they are well padded so they my be a bit on the bulky side, but that is not a problem as they are light and very comfortable. the protection they provide is great with the EVA pad.  The fitting I find is great and they stay where they are. also compatible with your knee guards as well so you don't have too choose between the two as you can have both. Once you start riding you forget you even have them on, so you wont have to make any adjustments to make them comfortable for you. For me I would rate these 8/10 as they are a great product.


Jacob Mann

Wednesday 5 June 2013

New 661 Rage Knee Guards 2013

Hi there,

With knee guards been one of the essentials of protection for mountain biking, it best to get a good pair that perform well, these are the 661 Rage Knee Guards 2013 and here is what I think to them so far. Firstly they are a nice comfortable fit, but they webbing I find on the upper leg is not tight enough compared to the lower leg webbing. Also the material in contact with the knee cap is a little irritating at first but after wearing them for a while you don't notice it anymore. I find that they are a little bulky in comparison to other knee guards I have tried in the past. the actually padding and protection is effective and is able to take high impacts, that you want from your knee guards. I have found when riding the top of the pad bunches up a little bit, which maybe because of the loose webbing on the thigh. This did mean I did have to keep pulling it up every so often. Overall they are a good pair of knee pads and are relatively comfortable. I would give them an overall rating of 7/10.


Jacob Mann

Thursday 30 May 2013

Chicksands Raw Clips

Hi there,

Here is three raw clips that I have of my time at Chicksands on the 26th of May this year . They are of the dual slalom, mini downhill and the 4x, tell me what you think.


Jacob Mann

Monday 27 May 2013

Chicksands Mini Montage 26/05/2013

This mini montage is a bit of footage of when me and my brother went to Chicksands. It has a few slow motion shots in and was all filmed on a GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Whitby Motocross

This is a montage of some short clips of me at whitby motocross in 2011 and 2012. The whole montage is in slow motion, im not that slow! Whitby motocross track is nationally raced track showing how good this rarely used track is.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Alpe D'Huez Trip

This is a recent montage of clips that I have put together from my first ski holiday.
The holiday was in the easter holidays and I went to Alpe D'Huez in the French Alpes with a few family and friends.